Nestled high in the Garhwal Himalayas, Ali Bedni Bugyal trek is a perfect destination for adventure seekers and nature lovers alike. With its pristine mountain peaks, expansive meadows, and vast forests, this trek is the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. But what about its temperature? How will trekkers be able to cope with the cold and harsh climate of the Himalayas? Read on to learn more about the Ali Bedni Bugyal trek temperature.

Temperature in the Summer

The Ali Bedni Bugyal trek temperature in the summer months is usually mild and pleasant. During the day, the temperature can range from 15°C to 25°C, making it ideal for trekkers. During the night, however, the temperature can drop to below 5°C, so it is important to pack layered clothing and a warm sleeping bag.

Ali Bedni Bugyal Temperature in the Monsoon

The Ali Bedni Bugyal trek temperature in the monsoon months is much colder than the summer months. The day time temperature can range from 10°C to 15°C, but can drop as low as 0°C during the night. Rain and snowfall are common during this time, so it is important to bring along waterproof clothing and shoes.

Ali Bedni Bugyal Temperature in the Winter

The Ali Bedni Bugyal trek temperature in the winter months is incredibly cold. During the day, the temperature can range from -5°C to 0°C, while at night it can drop as low as -15°C. Due to the extreme cold, trekkers should bring along enough warm clothing and an insulated sleeping bag.


The Ali Bedni Bugyal trek is home to a variety of wildlife, including wild horses, chirpy birds, and a variety of mammals. Trekkers can also spot the rare musk deer, blue sheep and the Himalayan black bear in this region. The trek provides a perfect opportunity to observe the amazing wildlife of the Himalayas in its natural habitat.


The Bedni Bugyal trek is blanketed with a variety of flora, including many species of wildflowers, grasses, shrubs and trees. Trekkers can witness the beautiful blooms of flowers like rhododendrons, primula and many more. The lush green meadows and thick forests make the trek even more enjoyable and provide a perfect backdrop for photography.

This trek is a great way to experience the beauty of the Himalayas and its wildlife. The mild temperature and lush green meadows make the trek an enjoyable experience for all levels of hikers. Whether you are looking for a nature hike or an adventure, the Ali Bedni Bugyal trek is an ideal option. So, grab your trekking gear and head for the Himalayas for a memorable experience.